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Bears are magnificent, fascinating animals.
Although people and bears have been
interacting for thousands of years, the
relationship has often been based more on
fear than understanding. Studying how bears
interact can teach us a lot about how they avoid
or resolve conflicts—lessons relevant to how we
should respond to bears during encounters.
If you understand and apply the safety
principles described in How you can stay safe
in bear country, you can make your trip in bear
country safer for both you and the bears.
Safety when roadside
bear viewing
The bears you see along roadways are usually
digging up roots or eating grasses and other
plants. This makes up to 90 per cent of a Yukon
bear’s diet.
Traffic safety comes first. If there is traffic
behind you, keep your eyes on the road and
don’t stop. Recognize that your passengers will
get a quick look at the bear but you may not. If
there is no other traffic nearby, slow down and
pull over briefly if it is safe to do so.
Don’t stop in the middle of the road, or close
to a hill or curve. Other drivers may not see you
in time to avoid a collision. Always keep your
doors closed and stay in your vehicle.
Welcome to Bear Country
Yukon Sights and Sites
The Yukon Sights and Sites App is your guide to public
campgrounds, recreation sites, wildlife viewing and
historic and cultural points of interest throughout the
territory. The app is compatible with most
smartphones and allows you to plan trips,
research sites of interest, and view maps.
Download it for free from the App Store or
Google Play.
When we say “Yukon wildlife”, many people
envision vast herds of caribou, a majestic
Moose, or a Grizzly Bear fishing in a pristine
mountain stream. However, there is far more
to wildlife than large, showy mammals. Most
people enjoy wildlife viewing during summer,
yet wildlife abounds year-round. The key to
successful wildlife viewing is to know where
and how to look.
The Yukon Wildlife Viewing Guide is organized
to help you find the plant or animals you are
looking for and to highlight key areas for
wildlife viewing. You increase your chances of
success when you know in which habitat your
plant or animal lives, and where you can find
that in the Yukon.
The guide is organized by highway and by
numbered viewing sites along each highway
with the kilometre posting for each site. Icons
tell you what services are available at that
site including outhouses, picnic benches,
playgrounds, hiking trails, and camping.
Take your time and be
quiet. Plan on making
many stops when you
are travelling. Scan
the landscape for
movement. Animals
that went into hiding
may come out again
when all is quiet.
Animals tend to be
more active in early
morning and evening. Take a short walk
before breakfast or after dinner. You may
be pleasantly surprised at what you find.
Remember, in summer, the arctic evening lasts
all night.
Use binoculars, spotting scopes, and telephoto
lenses to zoom in on the animals without
scaring them away or endangering yourself.
Get These &
Other Guides
All the guides you see here
and more are available by:
dropping by a Visitor
Information Centre
or the Department of
Environment office at 10
Burns Road in Whitehorse,
across from the airport;
going to the website
address referenced next to
each guide; or
scanning the appropriate
QR code.
Photo © YG
Fishing in the
If you plan to do any kind of fishing,
even for the odd grayling by the
roadside, you need the appropriate
licence. Angling licences can
be purchased at most sporting
goods stores, convenience stores,
highway lodges and at Department
of Environment offices. Visitor
Information Centres do not sell
fishing licences.
Each year, a new version of the
Yukon Fishing Regulations Summary
is published featuring catch and
possession limits, lakes and rivers
with special rules, and general fishing
regulations including any changes for
the year.
The Yukon Fishing Regulations
Summary is also available in French
and German.
Good Fishing –
Easy Access
Yukon residents and visitors have
been enjoying the benefits of stocked
fish since the Alaska Highway was
opened to public travel in the late
1940s. Today, the Government
of Yukon’s Fisheries Unit works
closely with the Yukon Fish and
Game Association to provide good
fishing opportunities near most
Nineteen lakes are stocked with
rainbow trout, Arctic char or kokanee
salmon. Stocked lakes not only
provide good fishing, they also take
angling pressure off slow-growing
wild fish species such as lake trout.
You can easily reach most of the
lakes listed in the Angler’s Guide to
Yukon Stocked Lakes by vehicle. A
few require a short walk on trails no
longer than 1 km.
Wherever you fish,
we ask you to:
treat the fish gently and with
learn the proper handling
techniques; and
practice live release in moderation.
of waters with
special rules page 2
Visit the Government of Yukon web site:
Photo © YG
Map shows Game Management Subzones and special area restrictions.
The Department of Environment sells detailed administrative boundary
maps at 10 Burns Road, Whitehorse.
2022 – 2023
Wildlife Viewing Guide
Fishing Licence Fees:
Yukon/Alaska* Resident:
$17.23 (season)
Canadian Resident:
$28.72 (season)
$17.23 (6 day)
$11.48 (1 day)
$40.21 (season)
$22.97 (6 day)
$11.48 (1 day)
GST is added to all fees.
* Alaska residents must produce a current
Alaska Resident Sport Fishing Licence and
government-issued photo identification to
qualify for this rate.
Can I Hunt?
Non-resident travellers should be
aware that while they can hunt
small game with a licence, they are
restricted from hunting big game
unless guided by a registered big
game outfitter. Also, take note that
it is illegal to have a loaded firearm
in a motor vehicle. For a complete
review of
Yukon hunting
pick up a copy
of the Yukon
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